Looking For Spiritual Maturity

What are the characteristics of mature people? One may point to wisdom, knowledge, or self-control as key aspects of one who is mature. However, in Hebrews 5, the author of the letter discusses another element of maturity: dependence. Writing about the priestly function of Jesus on earth, the author describes...

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Faith Like A Child

This past week brought an unexpected treat: snow in Montgomery. Such a sight is rare here, and it hasn’t happened in this magnitude since I’ve been a student at Faulkner. I hope you were able to enjoy it—or at least appreciate a couple of unexpected days at home away from...

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True Peace From Service

We recently talked about being a “living Sacrifice for God” and what that practically means for us, but I feel we often struggle to have a good mindset while we try to live out this action. I questioned myself and asked, “How can I remain hopeful and happy while I...

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The Downfall of Kings

In the book of 1 Samuel, we encounter the story of Saul, who God chose to become the first king of Israel. Saul would soon be disobedient to God and lose his throne. In this situation, Saul’s actions are a reflection of Israel and are the same because they refuse...

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Good Works For God’s Glory

Have you ever thought about the various differences between Jesus’s miracles? What I have found interesting lately is what Jesus requires from his audience who witnesses the miracles. In the Gospel of Mark, many of Jesus’s miracles were ordered to be kept a secret. Here is a list of some...

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Bible Basics Academy

This class on “Bible Basics” will continue for several months and will examine some of the basic, fundamental principles of our Christian faith. This class would be great for visitors, couples, and new or old Christians who want to dig in and know how to discuss these topics with others. Check...

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Expectations For Humility

Humility is one of those topics that is hard to study, discuss, and implement. What is difficult about studying humility? A quick word search will show that humility/humble is mentioned around 80 times in the Bible. Do you want to discuss humility? Think about examples of people who are prideful...

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God Is Not Done With Us

In 1 Kings 19, we find the prophet Elijah at a low point. After his great victory over the prophets of Baal, he is now fleeing for his life from Queen Jezebel, who has threatened to kill him. Exhausted and afraid, Elijah retreats into the wilderness. There, under a broom...

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