Cheering For Christ

One thing that people love to do is cheer for their sports teams. Currently, the NFL playoffs are going on and you see people from all over the country rooting for their favorite team. One of the games I watched the other day was the Kansas City Chiefs versus the...

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Learning From Interactions

I have a confession to make: I love listening to other people’s conversations. Sitting in a coffee shop and listening to the conversations around me is fun. Any time I need a break from reading or writing, I’ll sit there and allow my focus to gravitate toward the loudest conversation...

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Truly Knowing

If you have never taken the time to sit down and read 1 John as a whole, this is the week to do it. 1 John is a 5 Chapter book that probably will take you less than 15 minutes to read. While it certainly has some challenging sections, the...

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Reaching Out To The Sick

In Mark 2, Jesus is having dinner with his disciples and, to the Pharisees’ surprise, sinners and tax collectors. Instead of asking Jesus directly, the scribes of the Pharisees question Jesus’ disciples about this. Jesus overheard though, and he answered, “It is not those who are healthy who need a...

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Praying For Boldness

When is the last time you prayed specifically for boldness? The quality of boldness is not one that is always admirable. Boldness means to be fearless before danger (Merriam-Webster). While that sounds like something we all would want to be, there are plenty of people whose mindless fearlessness has resulted...

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Don’t Abandon Hope

Perhaps no other city received Paul and Barnabus with more love than the city of Lystra. In Acts 14 after Paul had healed a lame man while speaking the good news of the Gospel, the people proclaimed out loud, “The gods have become like men and have come down to...

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There Is A God

The world's reaction to the 2020 coronavirus pandemic has made many of us see how a virtual world can bring changes to Christianity. The pandemic showed us that the Church can adapt and continue to do the Lord's work even if it may not look the same. This series considers...

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No Turning Back

Over the past few years, fashion has seemed to change dramatically. Those who have lived in the ’70s and ’80s have probably seen some of their childhood and young adults’ clothing styles come back around. Teenagers are raiding their parents’ and grandparents’ old clothes to find “vintage clothing.” This has...

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