“Who Is This?”

As I was reading Luke’s gospel account this week, I came across an interesting theme. The theme centers around one question, “Who is this?” The question first appears immediately after Jesus begins his ministry. As “news about him went out through all the surrounding country” people started asking, “Is not...

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Hearing Jesus’ Words

In our Sunday sermons, we are studying through the teachings of Jesus. Our study aims to focus on what Jesus says to us through God’s Word so we can know God’s will (Psalm 40:8; John 6:38, 40). Although we have shored up our thoughts with other verses throughout the Bible,...

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No Turning Back

Over the past few years, fashion has seemed to change dramatically. Those who have lived in the ’70s and ’80s have probably seen some of their childhood and young adults’ clothing styles come back around. Teenagers are raiding their parents’ and grandparents’ old clothes to find “vintage clothing.” This has...

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What Worship Means

I was asked a question on Monday night and was completely stumped by it. I had some Faulkner students over at my house for a meal and for them to ask me some Bible questions regarding things they studied in class this semester. They asked me some technically advanced questions...

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Just Preach

The book of Amos was written during a time when the nation of Israel was experiencing a lot of success economically. The kingdoms around them were declining, and the wealth of the nation as a whole was growing. Additionally, they had managed to restore the form of Old Covenant worship...

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The Real Solution Needed

The book of Daniel is filled with incredible accounts of individuals and their encounters with God. Most of the book is about Daniel and his three companions—Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah––but there are also stories about the kings of Babylon. As we read these stirring accounts, we learn a lot about...

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Not Alone In Hardship

Would you rather have more money or more time? Of course, any person who is nearing death no longer cares as much as they once did about money. We even have biblical examples of this. King Hezekiah was approached by the prophet Isaiah in 2 Kings 20 and told this,...

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