Build Good Habits

One of the more intriguing aspects of God’s design for humans is the ability we possess to create habits. Even the most unregimented individual has habitual tendencies. For example, a habit can be as simple as one’s morning routine or the way someone prepares lunch. Whether we acknowledge it or...

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The Impact of Godly People

Have you ever thought about who it is that pushed you to where you are today? There may be people that come to mind who were great influences on you, pushing you to be the best version of yourself and challenging you to improve each day. You may think of...

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God’s Glory During Family Time

The holiday season brings with it the potential for a lot of conversations with friends and family. These conversations can be good and rewarding or result in disagreements and chaos. We can all think of at least some story to illustrate either point. I would like to present a challenge...

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Confidence In God

I’ve recently learned the effect that walking with confidence can have on groups of people. An up-tempo stride with shoulders rolled back and chin held high gives off an aura of confidence and leadership. Sometimes, you don’t even have to be confident or a leader for this effect to take...

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Start Your Day With God

Have you ever thought about what your morning routine should be as a Christian? Mornings are a tough time for many of us, as we try to get dressed and ready for a day of work or school. One thing many of us have in common is that we rush...

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Giving Up Rebellion

Many of our movies, TV shows, and books weave tales about rebels revolting against some tyrannical force or person. There are many reasons why we find these stories captivating and see ourselves rooting for the rebels. One reason might be that we vicariously relate to these characters and stories because...

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Walking In The Light

The writings of John are known for being some of the easiest to read because of the language he uses, as well as his ability to explain difficult concepts simply. In 1 John, he does not veer from this style, as the first 10 verses he writes are very simple...

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Our Ascended Lord

Now that the Easter season has passed us by, unfortunately many people’s religious focus will be shifting away from Jesus and his resurrection back to whatever they were focusing on in their life before. We shouldn’t be surprised by this. Even Jesus’ disciples, after seeing the risen Lord, had to...

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Hope From The Resurrection

“Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know— this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed...

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Avoiding Spiritual Fatigue

Last week as we began our new sermon series about being spiritually fatigued, I couldn’t help but examine myself. To be perfectly honest, I am exhausted, I’m worn out, and I WANT to be lazy and do absolutely nothing. But as we began to examine why we become fatigued, I...

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