Our Ascended Lord

Now that the Easter season has passed us by, unfortunately many people’s religious focus will be shifting away from Jesus and his resurrection back to whatever they were focusing on in their life before. We shouldn’t be surprised by this. Even Jesus’ disciples, after seeing the risen Lord, had to...

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Hope From The Resurrection

“Men of Israel, listen to these words: Jesus the Nazarene, a man attested to you by God with miracles and wonders and signs which God performed through Him in your midst, just as you yourselves know— this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed...

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Avoiding Spiritual Fatigue

Last week as we began our new sermon series about being spiritually fatigued, I couldn’t help but examine myself. To be perfectly honest, I am exhausted, I’m worn out, and I WANT to be lazy and do absolutely nothing. But as we began to examine why we become fatigued, I...

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Providing The Light

When God created our world, the very first thing he did was introduce light and separated it from darkness according to Genesis 1. Knowing that we would need light for several different things, God would later go on to make lights to govern the day and the night. If you...

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Seeking Bread for Life

What are you hungry for? When Jesus fed the 5,000 in John 6, they were so amazed by his ability to feed them that they began following him. However, Jesus called them out because they were following him only because of the physical bread that he could provide them (John...

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Full Investment in Christianity

Over the course of this summer, it seems like every time I open a social media app I see another family on vacation to the Grand Canyon. I see all of these pictures and hear all of their awesome stories about how incredible the view is, but I just can’t...

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Aware of Opportunities

When we study the Bible, we are allowing God’s Word to frame our thoughts. His Word restructures our minds to shine light on opportunities in life that would usually remain in the dark. Conversely, if we don’t study the Word then these opportunities will always remain unseen, and the wisdom...

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Showing God’s Love

There is a genre of literature that is called post­apocalyptic dystopian. These works take place in a world that has been drastically changed by some natural or created disaster. The result is that civilizations, societies, and people must create a new way of life. As humanity begins to rebuild and...

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A Real Introduction

What do you say when someone asks you about yourself? Generally it’s a super awkward thing to meet someone for the first time and have to start describing yourself to them so that they can begin to understand who you are. Most of us will probably open by talking about...

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