- Worshipping God in a Virtual World Reed Swindle 44:18
- Reaching Out in a Virtual World Cody Poe 41:37
- Servant Leadership in a Virtual World Justin Rogers 38:14
- Knowing God’s Plan in a Virtual World Art Williams 41:48
- Doing Good in a Virtual World Matt Vega 45:13
- Sticking Out in a Virtual World Ben Hogan 46:31
- Absolute Truth in a Virtual World Kyle Butt 43:17
- Following God in a Virtual World Jake Sutton 42:47
- Getting Back Up in a Virtual World Andrew Kingsley 42:05
- Unquestioned Leadership in a Virtual World Glenn Colley 43:12
- Full Commitment in a Virtual World Matt Cook 41:51
- Staying on the Road in a Virtual World Kerry Richardson 39:46
- Separated from God in a Virtual World Todd Clippard 41:26
* All lessons not available for download until series is completed

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.