Often when we write bulletin articles or preach sermons, we focus on the negative: the struggles, the problems, or certain weak areas some of us may have. Rarely do we ever discuss another group that is in every church: those who are doing well spiritually. It could be because those who are doing well are afraid to admit they are doing well, perhaps based on “Let him who thinks he stands be careful lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12). But notice, Paul doesn’t say “Don’t admit you’re standing” or even “Be afraid of standing.” In fact, he gives instructions in Galatians 6:1–2 to those Christians who are doing well spiritually when he commands them to restore those who are weak and help to bear their burdens.
We know Christians are not perfect, but perhaps there is an aspect of your Christianity that you have developed very well and could share with others. Is your prayer life better now than it was a year ago? Teach someone how to pray. Have you been able to keep up with your Bible reading plan so far this year? Reach out to your friends and make sure they have as well. Is there a temptation that you have learned how to overcome? Look for those who are struggling in the church right now and walk with them on their pathway.
You don’t have to flaunt that you’re doing well, and you certainly shouldn’t be arrogant, but God calls everyone to a specific task. If your spiritual life is improving or has improved, then God wants you to share that with those who are hurting to help lift them up so that we can all be better workers for him.
Gif Gifford

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.