Perhaps no other city received Paul and Barnabus with more love than the city of Lystra. In Acts 14 after Paul had healed a lame man while speaking the good news of the Gospel, the people proclaimed out loud, “The gods have become like men and have come down to us.” Paul and Barnabas found believers wherever they went, but they also made plenty of enemies. In the town of Iconium, just before this, they had to flee because they were almost stoned. Now they were being received as gods. Paul and Barnabus quickly tear their robes and let the people know the truth, they are just men and are no different than the people in the city. They also have to run down and stop a priest from the temple of Zeus from offering a sacrifice to them. Although this definitely brought them great stress, it must have been nice to be received warmly for once, even though it was done in a Pagan way.
However, it wasn’t long before Jews from Antioch and Iconium came to the scene, and quickly turned the crowds against them. They were ready to worship them at one moment then they were persuaded to stone them the next. This story makes it clear that humanity is easily deceived. They quickly are convinced of lies and reject the truth. After spending some time in Derbe and recovering from their injuries, they do the unexpected and return to preach in Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch to the disciples. They leave the disciples with this message, “through many tribulations, we must enter the Kingdom of God.”
Living for Jesus sometimes feels like such an uphill battle. When we look at the world decaying around us, and seemingly getting more wicked by the minute, it is easy to abandon hope. It is even easier to abandon hope when we are persecuted. However, the Apostles did not give up on the disciples in the city. They returned back, and quickly at that.
When you are suffering as a Christian just keep in mind that you are working your way into the narrow door of the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though it seems so far away, the reality is that Jesus is always close by. He is bearing the bulk of your burdens with you as you seek first the Kingdom of God. Have you given up hope for the people of the world around you, due to a bad experience? If you have, you are lacking in your faith.
If Jesus didn’t give up on the people who worshipped him one minute, then crucified him the next, then you have no right to give up on them either. Paul and Barnabas recognized this and knew they had unfinished work to do in Lystra and Iconium. Don’t let bad experiences hinder your work for Jesus, keep fighting to enter his Kingdom of love, joy, and peace.
Jared Kelly

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.