Over the course of this summer, it seems like every time I open a social media app I see another family on vacation to the Grand Canyon. I see all of these pictures and hear all of their awesome stories about how incredible the view is, but I just can’t quite grasp the magnitude of its beauty because I’ve not been there in person to experience it for myself.
I often find myself trying to explain to someone just how wonderful life as a Christian can be and how wonderful of a family the church is, but it’s just something that can’t be understood unless they actually experience it for themselves.
It’s difficult to express this sentiment to those we teach because it requires their full commitment and investment in order to be understood. To experience the goodness of the Church we can’t just expect to dip our little toe in and hope for the best. Instead, we must fully commit and dive head first into our relationship with God.
In Matthew 16:24 Jesus tells his disciples “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.” Jesus isn’t telling the disciples to whom He’s speaking that they can just give up a few things that they enjoy doing and follow Him They can’t just deny a few of the recurring sins that they commit and expect that to be enough. Jesus tells them to leave every part of their lives behind and fully invest in doing His work.
Following this command, we can’t just dip our toe in the water of faith and expect all of the blessings that God has to offer. Instead we must choose everyday to deny ourselves and to fully commit to doing the work of the Lord.
Josh Fowler

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.