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Knowing Your Church Family

As a newer Christian, I will admit that sometimes I have struggled to truly know God and the purpose of the church. I have been a part of Dalraida for a little over two years now. Through all of the church services, HUBs, and college events, I still struggled with my relationship with God and his people. I began to view these events as mundane tasks that just filled up more of my busy college schedule. Thankfully, I had someone talk to me about the importance of the Church and what it truly means to love God and his people. I was faced with a choice: either fall away from God or truly understand the importance of the body of Christ and seek to love my brothers and sisters. I decided that I would sit down and write out my feelings about the church as a whole and see where my issues were rooted.

I soon realized that my issue was me.

I wanted the most from the church and the people, but I did not want to work for it. I never took the time to meet the amazing families at Dalraida or spend time with people outside of church services. I certainly did not make the effort to be an encouragement to the people who poured so much into my faith. I viewed the church more as a burden than a family, and I pushed them away.

I want my story to serve one purpose: I want you to seek to truly learn about your church family and why Jesus established the church for believers. Since the beginning of the New Testament church, it has been a unified body. Like-minded believers met and spent time studying God and what He wants for His people. The body gathers together several times each week to worship God and all of His amazing power; Through all five acts of worship, we bring praise to God’s throne. How amazing is it that we get to approach the throne of God with our closest friends and family?

The church also provides so much encouragement for people who have no religious background. We get to show the love of Christ to both our friends and the people who do not know Jesus. Coming to Faulkner with very little religious background and a weak faith, Dalraida poured into me when I needed it most. This is my challenge for us all: prioritize pouring into your church family and pouring into those who need it.

The gospel has the power to change lives and The church has the power to ignite someone’s love for God. When you pour out everything you have into the church, I promise that someone will pour into you when you need it most. If you want to love Jesus with all of your heart, then start by loving his church.

Christian Cherry