When is the last time you prayed specifically for boldness?
The quality of boldness is not one that is always admirable. Boldness means to be fearless before danger (Merriam-Webster). While that sounds like something we all would want to be, there are plenty of people whose mindless fearlessness has resulted in negative consequences. Thrill-seekers will boldly climb up buildings and take pictures standing on top, but they are not exempt from falling. Social media influencers will sometimes do crazy things in public to gain attention from others, boldly casting away social anxiety so that others like them. However, they are not exempt from the social (or sometimes legal) consequences of their boldness either. Risks are being taken in these forms of boldness just as any form of boldness, but the risk is far from worth the reward.
After reading through the Book of Acts, something that stood out to me was the boldness of the apostles. In Acts 2, Peter and the apostles stand in front of millions and tell them about their need for repentance. Telling all of those people that they killed the Messiah is bold! Acts 4 tells of Peter and John being before the high-priestly family and the council of Jerusalem. The council became annoyed because of Peter and John’s teachings of Christ’s resurrection, so they are brought into the presence of multiple people of power for questioning. Yet, though they face potential danger, they completely disregard any fear and preach Christ’s resurrection to these men as well! Acts 4:13 says that these men were astonished specifically because of their boldness. When the council commands them to stop teaching about Jesus or else there will be punishment, the two men boldly claim that they cannot help but speak of Jesus. After being released, they went to their friends to report what happened. They all prayed, including in their prayer the desire for boldness in speaking God’s Word. After their prayer, the room that they were in shook. Filled with the Spirit, they all continued speaking of Jesus with boldness.
This example of boldness is inspiring to me. The danger Christians faced in Acts resulted in persecution and murders. Yet, they disregarded the imminent danger because the risk was worth the reward. Christians are called to righteous boldness.
We are called to be fearless ambassadors of Christ (2 Cor. 5:20), and the risk that it takes to do that is absolutely worth the reward. Any potential risk that you can name is a risk that is worth taking and a danger worth facing because of the heavenly home we are steadily pushing towards. This week, pray for boldness each day and open your eyes to the opportunities placed in front of you to be bold for the cause of Christ. Search for times to reflect the glory of God so boldly that others are drawn to Him.
Nate Kidwell

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.