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Providing The Light

When God created our world, the very first thing he did was introduce light and separated it from darkness according to Genesis 1. Knowing that we would need light for several different things, God would later go on to make lights to govern the day and the night. If you go outside at any time of day or night, you will be able to see to some extent because of God’s wisdom in ensuring that we would never be shrouded in complete darkness. The only way you can ever be in complete darkness without any light whatsoever is to place yourself in such a situation artificially.

This is perhaps a good analogy for our spiritual lives as well. Of course we know that Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12) as well as his followers (Matt 5:14); we also know that to live our lives in a pleasing manner to God involves walking in the light of Christ (1 John 1:7). Christ shines as a light for us through his word and through his church, offering a chance for us to see our way out of the darkness of sin and this world. Wherever you go, you can see the influence of Christ and his church and know the power that following him can have. The only way you can ever truly be in spiritual darkness is to put yourself in a situation where you reject Christ and cut yourself off from his people.

The good news is that even though we are the ones who bring that situation upon ourselves, God gives us a light to guide the way back; however, we are just as responsible for using that light to get out of our darkness as we are for being in the darkness in the first place. If you find yourself in total physical darkness, all you have to do is walk outside and God has given you physical light to see; if you find yourself in complete spiritual darkness, walk back toward God and he will provide the light you need.

– Andrew Gifford