- The High Priestly Prayer David Gregor 44:31
- The Coming of the Son of Man Caleb Colquitt 46:15
- No One Knows the Day or Hour Chris Mulkey 41:23
- Authority of Jesus Questioned David Allen 43:30
- A Mother's Request Caleb Colquitt 45:01
- Institution of the Lord's Supper David Gregor 46:33
- The Great Commission David Allen 40:22
- Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit David Gregor 43:54
- Let The Children Come Unto Me David Gregor 42:55
Schedule of Classes
Date | Class Topic | Teacher |
Jun 6 | High Priestly Prayer (Jn. 17:1-26) | David Gregor |
Jun 13 | Coming of the Son of Man (Matt. 24:29-31; Mk. 13:24-27; Lk. 21:25-28) | Caleb Colquitt |
Jun 20 | No One Knows That Day and Hour (Matt. 24:36-51; Mk. 13:32-37) | Christ Mulkey |
Jun 27 | Authority of Jesus Challenged (Matt. 21:24-27; Mk. 11:29-33; Lk. 20:3-8) | David Allen |
Jul 4 | Mother’s Request (Matt. 20:21-28) | Caleb Colquitt |
Jul 11 | Institution of the Lord’s Supper (Matt. 26:26-29; Mk. 14:22-25; Lk. 22:15-22) | David Gregor |
Jul 18 | Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-18) | David Allen |
Jul 25 | Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit (Matt 12:25-32; Mk 3:23-2) | David Gregor |
Aug 1 | Let the Children Come to Me (Matt 19:14; Mk 10:14-15; Lk 18:16-17) | David Gregor |
Aug 8 | Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:7-20) | Caleb Colquitt |
Aug 15 | Divorce and Remarriage (Matt. 5:31-32, 19:4-12; Mk. 10:3-12 Lk. 16:18) | Chris Mulkey |
Aug 22 | Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit (John 14:15-31) | David Allen |
Aug 29 | Before Abraham Was, I Am (John 8:49-58) | Caleb Colquitt |
* All lessons not available for download until series is completed

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.