Bringing Joy To Life

What brings you joy? We find joy in simple things in life. Maybe it is a hot cup of coffee before sunrise. A bonfire with friends when it’s cold. Sitting in the woods watching wildlife. A new book in a comfortable chair. Playing games with your family. We could go...

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Bible Basics Academy

This class on “Bible Basics” will continue for several months and will examine some of the basic, fundamental principles of our Christian faith. This class would be great for visitors, couples, and new or old Christians who want to dig in and know how to discuss these topics with others. Check...

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Expectations For Humility

Humility is one of those topics that is hard to study, discuss, and implement. What is difficult about studying humility? A quick word search will show that humility/humble is mentioned around 80 times in the Bible. Do you want to discuss humility? Think about examples of people who are prideful...

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Choosing Sin Changes Life

Esau is a rather interesting person in the Bible (Genesis 25–28, 32–33). Although his physical appearance is unique (Gen. 25:25), his life and decisions make him more intriguing. While Esau is in the womb with his brother, Jacob, God foretells that Esau will be subservient to Jacob even though Esau...

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Navigating With Wounds

I am sure you have experienced the painful sensation of biting your lip while eating only to relive the moment repeatedly afterward because your swollen lip finds its way back into every bite. The feeling is the same as hitting a sore thumb, catching a hang nail, or bumping a...

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“Who Is This?”

As I was reading Luke’s gospel account this week, I came across an interesting theme. The theme centers around one question, “Who is this?” The question first appears immediately after Jesus begins his ministry. As “news about him went out through all the surrounding country” people started asking, “Is not...

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Hearing Jesus’ Words

In our Sunday sermons, we are studying through the teachings of Jesus. Our study aims to focus on what Jesus says to us through God’s Word so we can know God’s will (Psalm 40:8; John 6:38, 40). Although we have shored up our thoughts with other verses throughout the Bible,...

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