In the book of 1 Samuel, we encounter the story of Saul, who God chose to become the first king of Israel. Saul would soon be disobedient to God and lose his throne. In this situation, Saul’s actions are a reflection of Israel and are the same because they refuse to be obedient to God. Israel demanded a king in 1 Sam 8, and Samuel warned these people of the consequences of this; a King would take their sons and daughter and make them work for him, he would take a tenth of all things, and they would be his slaves (v13-18). God warns Israel that when this happens, he would not hear their cries because of their rejection of God, but the people insist on having an earthly king anyway. Israel’s pride overtook God’s commandments and they desired an earthly king rather than the heavenly King. Saul, too, let his prideful desires take over, choosing to follow them instead of obeying God’s authority. Saul’s fall from the kingship began when he made his own sacrifice rather than wait for the high priest to sacrifice for him (1 Sam 13:8-14).
When we see these two groups of people, we can see how their pride and selfishness took over their actions. The people of Israel decided to forsake their heavenly king because they wanted someone to lead them like the other nations (1 Sam 8:5). The lord says, “[8] According to all the deeds that they have done, from the day I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day, forsaking me and serving other gods, so they are also doing to you”(1 Sam 8:8). God had acknowledged that their faith was gone and they had forsaken him as their King. Saul’s pride was shown when it came to saving his people from the hands of the Philistines. When he was losing his battle with the Philistines, he decided to offer a sacrifice to God because he thought he was seeking God’s favor, but instead, he broke the commandments of God (1 Sam 10:8). Both groups of these people wanted to handle their lives in their own way, and both of these groups would be punished for their disobedience.
So what do we learn from this? We must obey God and let him rule our lives. There is no room for our wants or self-reliance to overtake what God has instructed us to do or follow; Pride will corrupt your relationship with God because we think we know best.
We are to be in submission to Christ and follow the things that he has commanded us to do; If we fail to obey God, we will be cut off from God and be left to fight alone. Just as Saul was towards the end of his kingship, God was not on Saul’s side anymore, but God decided to bless the man who was going to be faithful to him, and through David, we would receive the inheritance of an eternal king.
Christian Cherry

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.