Have you ever thought about who it is that pushed you to where you are today? There may be people that come to mind who were great influences on you, pushing you to be the best version of yourself and challenging you to improve each day. You may think of some others who were much more negative influences, encouraging you to stray from God and hindering you from achieving your goals.
I recently heard a comparison between Samson and David that I found very intriguing. There are several similarities that can be found between the two of them when comparing Judges 13–16 to 1 Samuel 16–23. We first see them both prophesied about with a specific role for each person. In Judges 13:5, an angel of the Lord tells the mother of Samson that he “will begin to deliver Israel from the hand of the Philistines”, assigning him a specific task before his conception. Samuel tells Saul that Yahweh has already assigned “a man after his own heart” to be ruler over Israel in 1 Samuel 13:14, with David in mind. While several births are prophesied about in the Old Testament, these are the only two that pertain to the role that the child will play in the story of God. Further, both men experienced the rushing of the Spirit in ways distinct from anyone else in the OT. Samson had it rush over him three separate times (Judges 14:6, 19; 15:5), which is 2 more than anyone else in the OT. David’s experience was distinct because the Spirit remained in him (1 Samuel 16:13). There are instances of both men killing lions, using wisdom in defeating the Philistines, and failing to do God’s will because of sexual temptation. While there are several other similarities that could be discussed, the point remains that Samson and David had some very similar things happen to them throughout their lives. Despite the similarities, David lived a life that is remembered for being in service to God, while Samson is remembered for the wrong done with Delilah and the last great act he performed before death.
What was the difference between the two?
David had some key friends that helped him navigate life, while we don’t have a record of that for Samson. David was given a role by Samuel, companionship by Jonathan, and accountability by Nathan. We don’t read of these key figures in the life of Samson. Samson’s life was similar to David’s in many ways, but we see him surround himself with bad influences that ultimately result in his demise.
Those that we hold near can greatly affect the paths of our lives. Who are you holding near? Are God’s people found in your inner circle? Are you taking advantage of those around you who God placed in your life to love you and steer you to Him, or are you surrounding yourself with those of the world?
– Nate Kidwell

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.