We recently talked about being a “living Sacrifice for God” and what that practically means for us, but I feel we often struggle to have a good mindset while we try to live out this action. I questioned myself and asked, “How can I remain hopeful and happy while I am struggling while facing the world”? Time and time again, I turn to Philippians to help me find a sense of encouragement for myself. Paul’s explanation of how to have peace through trial has always cured my worry, but I grew complacent because I thought I had a solution. Do you do the same? Do we hold strong to our favorite passage of hope without truly exploring it more deeply?
We as Christians are called to mature in our faith and that requires more than just a shallow understanding. For me, that means I need to study more about it.
I soon realized I truly never had peace about being a living sacrifice because my mindset was wrong. I read how to be given peace over 100 times, but I truly never found it. I began to scour the scriptures and until this past week, I never had my answer. In 2 Timothy 4, Paul describes himself as a “drink offering that is being poured out for God over an altar.” This phrase overtook my mind and became something that I could not leave alone. Why would Paul describe himself as a drink offering before God? Looking back to Genesis 35, We see Jacob pour out a drink offering to God as worship and thanksgiving for what God had promised him. These drink offerings showed complete dedication to God because there was not a single drop saved. With this in mind, what is Paul saying? I believe that Paul is explaining how he has completely poured himself into serving God.
There was not a single aspect of Paul’s life that was not about serving Jesus. This showcases the mindset of Paul: He was completely devoted to serving God with complete humility. Paul counted himself as an offering that would leave him with nothing but Christ and this is the mindset we are called to have. Paul had peace with Christ because he knew that was the only thing he longed for. Paul continues in 2 Timothy 4 by saying,
“The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
This was Paul’s conclusion to his letters. His life was drawing close, and with death awaiting him, he knew that he had won the race.
If we want a peace like Paul, we have to want to serve like Jesus just as Paul did. Without a mindset focused on the Lord, there is no peace because your treasure is not laid up in heaven.
Strive with the church and let us all win the race that leads to eternal reward.
Christian Cherry

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.