I was asked a question on Monday night and was completely stumped by it. I had some Faulkner students over at my house for a meal and for them to ask me some Bible questions regarding things they studied in class this semester. They asked me some technically advanced questions about the Kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit, and worship. I felt good about my answers since I’ve studied all three of these topics in depth at different times over the years. Then they asked me the question, “What does worship mean to you?”
I was stumped.
They had already asked me, “What is worship, and how do we know the right method to worship in?” So, I knew they weren’t asking about that. They wanted to know how worshiping God has impacted my life. I wasn’t prepared for that question, because every time I think about worship, I’m reminded that worship is for God, not me. It took me what seemed like a long time to respond as I personally reflected on my feelings on worship. Had I been worshipping primarily out of a sense of duty to fulfill a New Testament command? Now there is nothing wrong with doing something just because Jesus told you to. However, if your worship is practically only on Sunday you might be doing it primarily to fulfill your role as a believer in God. Yes, we worship because God is deserving of our praise. We worship because we want to celebrate and remember that Christ died for our sins and defeated death. We worship because we want to encourage one another. However, why do you worship and what does it mean to you?
If worship doesn’t mean something to you then there definitely is a problem. If you are looking for reasons or occasions to worship God look no further than the Psalms. Psalms remind us of God’s life-giving power, his justice against evil, and his mercy and loving-kindness. There are many verses of the Psalms I could share, but I want to share Psalm 146:8: “The LORD opens the eyes of the blind. The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down; The LORD loves the righteous.”
What does worship mean to me? Worship is life-giving to me. It opens up my eyes which quickly become blind over the course of the week. After worship, my mind and my heart become open to God, and I am reminded of his compassion, love, and concern for all His creatures that He has created. Worship reminds me who I truly am and what my purpose in life truly is. The question was a great reminder, I worship God
because I love him.
If you feel lost, worship is what you need, but don’t wait till Sunday. Sing praises to God whenever you are thankful. Pray to him when you are at your lowest point. We need worship all the time because we always need a connection to God!
Jared Kelly

Dalraida church of Christ is a congregation of Christians that meet in the mid-town area of Montgomery, Alabama. Our goal and purpose is to seek and follow God and His Word in everything that we do in life.